How to Stake FIL to Get FIL in Filet with MetaMask on HECO Chain


Metamask tutorial

With the help of decentralized smart contracts, community governance, and selected high-quality mining pools, Filet creates a decentralized FIL mining service platform with tokenized Filecoin mining power, low entry barrier, and transparent mining pools & returns, allowing ordinary players to participate in mining with zero risk, high returns, and low barrier.


For web-side operations, this tutorial uses the MetaMask as an example. You need to ensure:

1. You have installed the MetaMask wallet in your Chrome browser and created or imported your account.

2. You have configured the Huobi Eco Chain environment (namely adding the Heco network).

3. If you have installed the MetaMask wallet in the Chrome browser and configured the HECO Chain environment, you can skip this step and directly participate in Filet mining.

Install MetaMask wallet App and create or import a HECO wallet

  1. Open the Chrome browser and click here to install the MetaMask.

2. Follow the prompts to create or import a wallet account.

Note: Please keep the mnemonic phrase of your account properly.

Configure HECO Chain and add HECO network

In the MetaMask wallet, click the drop-down list at the top right of the page.

Select Custom RPC at the bottom of the list to add a Heco network.

In the new network page, fill in the following parameters:

l Network Name: Customizable, this article takes heco-mainnet as an example.

l New RPC URL: Enter

l Chain ID: Enter 128.

l Currency Symbol: Optional, this article takes HT as an example.

l Block Explorer URL: Enter

Then click Save. At this point, you have completed the preparations and can start mining.

Participate in Filet mining

To participate in Filet mining, you can follow these steps:

1. Connect to MetaMask wallet

A. Click here to open the official website of Filet.

B. Click Connect at the top right of the page, or click Next in the MetaMask wallet to connect Filet to the MetaMask wallet.

2. Add tokens to the wallet

A. Click the MetaMask wallet in the browser and click Add token at the bottom.

B. In the search bar, search for FIL, USDT, HUSD, HT and add them to MetaMask wallet.

Note: HT will be used as the transaction fee, and other tokens will be used to participate in mining.

C. After buying tokens from the exchange and transferring to the wallet, you can participate in the mining.

3. Participate in mining

A. Click here or input in your browser to enter Filet page.

B. Obtain your mining power. In Filet, you can obtain the mining power in the following two methods:

Stake FIL or FILE to obtain the mining power for a certain number of days. You can withdraw it when the stake expires.

Use USDT or HUSD to purchase a certain number of days of mining power, which will be automatically terminated after expiration and cannot be refunded.

This article takes the staking of FIL for 180 days as an example. In the Stake tab, tap Stake in the corresponding area.

Similarly, you can also choose to use USDT or HUSD to buy mining power in the Purchase tab.

C. In the pop-up page, enter the stake amount, check to agree to the terms of service, and tap Confirm. After confirming the transaction, you can successfully stake.

D. After the staking is successful, the page automatically jumps to the Assets page, where you can view your assets, earnings, and records of obtaining mining power.

In each record of obtaining mining power, tap See Details to view its detailed information. When there are earnings, you can claim the earnings that has been generated, and your stake can also be withdrawn when it expires.

Note: After the mining power is obtained through staking, the staked assets can be withdrawn when the staking expires. However, after the mining power is obtained through purchase, the spent funds cannot be returned.

Now, you have successfully participated in Filet mining, just wait to get mining earnings.

Withdraw principle and claim earnings

In My Mining Power on the Assets page, you can withdraw the staked mining power and withdraw earnings.

When there are earnings, you can claim the withdrawable earnings at any time. For the mining power obtained by staking, the principal can be withdrawn when it expires. For the purchased mining power, the spent funds cannot be returned when it expires.





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Filet Finance - Decentralized Filecoin Staking
Filet Finance - Decentralized Filecoin Staking

Written by Filet Finance - Decentralized Filecoin Staking

Leading decentralized Filecoin staking protocol. Filet fully supports FVM and bring Filecoin to DeFi. Filecoin, BNB network supported. 20% APY

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